
Family Caregiver


Family caregiver amount (FCA)

What is the family caregiver amount?

If you are a caregiver of a dependent with an impairment in physical or mental functions, you may be eligible to claim an additional it is change every year for one or more of the following amounts:

  • spouse or common-law partner credit
  • amount for an eligible dependent
  • child tax credit
  • caregiver amount

The defendant with the impairment must be:

This credit can be claimed for a spouse, common-law partner, child or other person who is a dependent over the age of 18 with an impairment in physical or mental functions. The impairment has to be prolonged and indefinite and the person must be dependent on you for assistance in attending to personal needs and care when compared to persons of the same age.

The CRA will typically request you have signed statement from a medical practitioner showing details of when the impairment (when it began and if it’s likely to continue in the future).  This credit can be claimed for multiple depends.